
The clarity of blurred movement

A circle around a fire

A leaf emitting smoke

A hand holding another

Breath in

The smoke forms a hand, rises above the fire, covers the white house

A circle around the moon is drawn

Lightning is caught by a stick

Magick is in the air

The power in our hands

Moulding the elements

Becoming a stone by the river

The stone focuses on an eagles nest.

The stone is counting the dead

Breath out.

Leaves are brought as an offering.

Each country has a different soil type.

Each soil type has a tree.

Each tree has a different leaf.

The fire owns it all.

Breath in.

The smoke is choking the senses. Eyes are weeping and nose is running and lungs are choking.

Breath out.

Run through a forest, the undergrowth scratching the face.

The clarity of blurred movement.

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